


El començament de l'ésser i l'ésser del pensar. [CA]

The thought of a created world, just as we Christians understand it, could not leave neutral the metaphysical question about the origins of being. The efforts of St. Thomas in understanding God as the foundation of being contributed to bring a number of innovations regarding the ancient Greek thought. First of these innovations was the distinction between substance and existence, since if Greeks assumed the existence of substance so far, now everything reverses. Substance is, above all, created with an existence wich can never be assumed, that’s why Christian metaphysics is existential.

Dios, persona y conocimiento. [ES]

This is a book with a hard background work of mediation and writing, including topical culture issues. It is not only an invitation to the understanding and growing of the Christian thought and philosophy, but an example of how to make Christian philosophy, with an understanding purified by faith and guided by the polar star – stella rectrix – of the Christian revelation. What is trendy in culture may not be the only topical issue, but also what is missing, what we can not find. Today’s culture has an excess of what is ephemeral, of lots of fireworks and lots of emptiness. There is hunger and thirst of principles, foundations, desire of truth, unity and beauty. (Extract from the prologue by Abelardo Lobato) “.

El don del ser (ES)

This is neither a manual nor a scientific book. In fact, we only find shallow references to philosophers or theologists which serve as common threat for the very personal toughts of the author. Even so, this is actually the result of many years trying to establish a solid view in the central issue of metaphysics. His deep thinking is already suggested by the names of the authors that Martínez Porcell mentions during this text: Jaume Bofill, E. Przywara, G. Siewerth, J. B. Lotz, H. U. von Balthasar, C. Fabro, Leonardo Polo and V. E. Frankl. Martínez Porcell’s intention is to reach a proper understanding and formulation of a creational metaphysics”. (Extract from the recension in Pensamiento vol 58 (2002), Num 222 pp. 471-495 by Josep MªColl.S.J)  

Ésser i persona (CA)

This book, published in PPU (Barcelona. 1995) is a collection of class notes including the main philosophical concerns which respond to the early days of teaching of the author. From Aristotle’s metaphysical finalism or the mutual influence of the causes, the author reviews the different conceptions of the entity; the metaphysical notion of subsistence; the structure of the concrete being and the overcoming of the formal order. In fact, many of the questions about being and existence only spotted here will have a more explicit further development. The bulk of all these contributions is related to St. Thomas Aquinas’ existential metaphysics.

Lectura de Textos (ES)

This teaching manual had great succes. With a collection of fundamental texts from both ancient and medieval history, as well as modern and contemporary, it proposes a practical exercise of the understanding of the text and its articulation in its enviroment. A technical sheet with questions and comments to facilitate the dialogue about both the author and the text commentary is included. The texts in this collection range from Plato’s cave myth or Descarte’s metaphysical meditations to Nietzsche’s genealogy of morals; the end of philosophy in M. Heidegger; Popper’s logical researches or M. Horkheimer’s critique of instrumental reason.

Metafísica de la persona (ES)

This was the second edition of Metafísica de la Persona (PPU. Barcelona. 1992) published by Balmes (Barcelona. 2008) Already mentioned in the prologue, this book is actually the edition of the author’s doctoral thesis "La incomunicabilitat ontològica de la persona humana" (The ontological incommunicability of the human person). “This work is a metaphysical foundation of the personal being, mainly following St. Thomas Aquinas’ synthesis. The author stays true at all time to this two intentions: first, he is able to reach the formality assumed in every metaphysical investigation. Second, he delves into the mind of Aquinas going straight to his texts” (extract from the prologue)

Metafísica (ES)

This book is part of the collection of textbooks of the Faculty of Philosophy of Catalonia. It is not an essay but a guiding book for the students of this subject, a Christian metaphysics manual “without pride or complex” and, at the same time, “a teaching manual and, therefore, practical”. Metafísica is a manual in which the author tries to find the ultimate foundation of our understanding of being, determining its real access to the Absolute; it is also a suitable book for those who want to know more – without prejudice – of what the disciple of Plato, Aristotle, established as levels or stages of knowledge.


Diálogos (ES)

Magnificent work to delve into the foundations of the Christian faith, the mystery of the human person and Catholic spirituality. Grounded, attractive and agile. Essential for parents and educators. Mature work of years of sincere and honest dialogues ...

Puerta Santa (ES)

Este libro que tenéis en las manos está narrado en primera persona. Mossèn Joan —su autor y buen amigo— cuenta en él algunas vivencias pastorales que le dan pie a exponer con intensidad el misterio de la misericordia de Dios con un relato claro y nítido. Habla el corazón de un sacerdote que descubre la misericordia en el ejercicio diario de su ministerio. Es un libro que espolea la curiosidad del lector para que siga el relato hasta el final. Como él mismo escribe: «Aquellos pensamientos me cambiarían la vida y el modo de proceder como sacerdote. En adelante -en más de una ocasión- el choque interior entre el Dios grande pero muy mío, y el Dios excesivo y sorprendente -aunque más allá de mí mismo- marcarían un paulatino acercamiento al Dios de la Misericordia» (Del prólogo de Mons. Juan José Omella, arzobispo de Barcelona)

Diálogos de fe (ES)

This book is the result of many encounters of people interested in the theological formation of their own faith; believers who, wishing to deepen the message of the Gospel, shared effort and friendship for many years. It is not a great work of theology or a collection of academic resources, but the summary of many living dialogues, in full bloom, in the answer to the incessant question of life.


Poema del teu Nadal (CA)

Poema del teu Nadal (2nd edition) is a text with fertile and vital suggestions “wich can help us to rediscover the mystery of God present in our lives.” The prespective proposed by the poem is a figured character, the pastor with big eyes, winking at non-believers. His main attitude was honesty in search for the heart of truth keeping his eyes open when it’s dark. “Metaphor belongs to poetry and image, as it clearly apprehends beauty, chiaroscuro, twilight, and Christmas night! It seems that there is not much distance between metaphysics, poetry and mysticism. All of them live on the night” (Extract from the Diocese Sheet of Barcelona, December 22, 2013)

LLengua de Foc (CA)

“Llengua de Foc” (Llengua Nacional. 2014) is a true Pentecost speech. This beautiful poem communicates emotion and sense of gratitude to the Pentecost Spirit, which was given the task of making all of us new creatures, which raises Church and lead us to the Father. This edition of “Llengua de Foc” is preceded by a didactic theological introduction, which helps us to discover and support Facció de l’Esperit in our daily lives, and ending in the Pentecost sequence that every year joyfully resounds at Easter time. Adressed to believers eager to know and love the great gift of God, “Llengua de Foc” becomes a beautiful ode to Facció de l’Esperit that, illuminating our dark corner – our ultimate loneliness – converts our heart in living God’s temple.

Imatges i Paraules (CA)

This is a collection of eleven unpublished poems with images as icons of reality, which Joan Martínez Porcell published in two volumes entitled Imatges i Paraules, now available in a single volume. “As a teacher of metaphysics he normally uses the word to communicate concepts, but life is not a concept and existence can not be expressed in any word. Moreover, poetry is capable of communicating admiration and gratitude for the gift of life, while the image is an icon of the mystery of God. I wish to share with my friends this collection entitled, precisely, Imatges i Paraules (Images and words)

Alè de llibertat (CA)

Alè de llibertat is a poem of praise to the freedom of the children of God. Joan Martínez is presbyter of Barcelona. For many years he teaches philosophy and is currently the rector of the basilar de la Merced, patron saint of the city. Inspired by the cry of freedom that means the Virgin of Mercy helps us to discover the current challenges of freedom. The poetry of Joan Martinez is inscribed in popular religious poetry. A clear passion for nature and the desire that the word means beyond itself has forged a style of its own, conceptual, charged with meaning and at the same time popular that wants to harmonize the concept and metaphor to communicate emotion to the most existential questions which proposes of background.