01. Documents
Contingency of the created Being I
Contingency of the created Being II
The ontological communication
The ontological communication 2
The possibility of theodicy
Being as act
The proofs of the existence of God
The proofs of the existence of God 2
The proofs of the existence of God 3
The proofs of the existence of God 4
Space and time in Christian philosophy
Space and time in Christian philosophy 2
02. Reviews
Review: The Mysteries of Christianity
Review: The Mysteries of Christianity
Review: Spiritual treasure
Review: El criterio
Review: Inner life
Review: The Screwtape Letters
Review: The Agony of Jesus
Review: Baptismal catechesis
Review: The Story of Art
Review: The three Ages of Interior Life
Review: After virtue
Being as Act II
Review: Man's search for Meaning
Review: Theo-Drama
Review: Jean-Claude Nesmy
Review: Introduction to Christianity
Review: The Four Cardinal Virtues
Review: The New Jerome Biblical Commentary
Review: The Lord
Review: Fundamental Theologie
Review: The Soul of The Apostolate
Review: Black legends of the Church
Review: The Saints in Mercy
Review: The Saints in Mercy
Review: The Saints in Mercy
Review: The Return of the Prodigal Son
Review: The Science of the Cross
03. Unpublished
unpublished: St. Agustin 5
unpublished: St. Agustin 6
unpublished: Bernard of Clairvaux
Unpublished: St Agustin 2
Unpublished: St Agustin
Unpublished: St. Ambrose of Milan 3
Unpublished: St. Ambrose of Milan 2
Unpublished: St. Ambrose of Milan
Unpublished: John Chrysostom 2
Unpublished: John Chrysostom
Unpublished: Irenaeus
Unpublished: Peter Chrysologus
Unpublished: Richard of St Victor 2
Unpublished: Richard of St Victor
Unpublished: San Agustín
Unpublished: Hugo of St. Victor 8
Unpublished: Hugo of St. Victor 7
Unpublished: Hugo of St. Victor 6
Unpublished: Hugo of St. Victor 5
Unpublished: Hugo of St. Victor 4
Unpublished: Hugo of St. Victor 3
Unpublished: Hugo of St. Victor 2
Unpublished: Hugo of St. Victor
Unpublished: Alcher de Clairvaux
04. Christian philosophy
The formal status of christian philosophy 3
Thomism in the xx Century
The formal status of christian philosopy
The formal status of christian philosophy 2
The formal status of christian philosophy 4
Unity of the person
The soul
Being, soul and body


Thoughts of life that condense accumulated over time and shared with friends like you dialogues reflections


Unpublished: Hugo of St. Victor 6

Hugo de San Victor., De Unione corporis et spiritus. Jacques Paul Migne., P.L 177. (285-294) Similiter aliquando ex bono desiderio mala cogitatio nascitur, ut nonnunquam pollutionem carnis abominando, turpitudinem carnalis concupiscentiae cogitare incipimus, et ex ipsa nostra cogitatione ad [...]


Review: The Screwtape Letters

The Screwtape Letters Paperback – March 3, 2009 by C. S. Lewis In The Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis provides a series of lessons in the importance of taking a deliberate role in Christian faith, by portraying a typical human life, with all its temptations and failings, seen from [...]


Evangelii gaudium

34. If we attempt to put all things in a missionary key, this will also affect the way we communicate the message. In today’s world of instant communication and occasionally biased media coverage, the message we preach runs a greater risk of being distorted or reduced to some of its [...]


Unpublished: Hugo of St. Victor 5

Hugo de San Victor., De Unione corporis et spiritus. Jacques Paul Migne., P.L 177. (285-294) Cogitationes etiam compages vocantur, quia quodammodo ita desideria adinvicem copulant, sicut compages membrorum artus ligant. Compago enim vinculum est quod medium est, et extrema conjugit. Et [...]


Review: Inner life

Joseph Tissot., La vida interior. Herder (2011) ISBN 9788425427367 Joseph Tissot., Inner life. His work aims to address the foundation of the Christian life. Show where they should be the basis of the inner life. Tissot underlines that the end of the inner life is none other than [...]
